Affordable Housing

Across the country, the need for safe and affordable housing is growing acute for many communities. Unfortunately, rental prices are at an all time high due to high interest rates and low inventory. Housing for folks with limited or fixed incomes is even more scarce, especially in the Northeast, where Logic’s lab is located.

The affordable housing problem is holding back economic growth and access to better jobs. Without reliable housing options, employers cannot take advantage of growth opportunities or hire people willing to relocate.

Real estate developers are working to create additional units of affordable housing by partnering with granting organizations and government agencies. Without changing to a product-based building workflow that Logic can provide, however, they will still face the same high costs and lengthy building times.

Affordability of Modular

Design efficiency drives affordability. Affordable housing features repeating elements in every floor plan to avoid costly customized options. Off-site construction practices are an ideal way to capture that efficiency by manufacturing your buildings’ repeating elements.

Kitchens, bathrooms, and utility rooms, the technological core of a home, are often the most costly. By repeating these elements through modular practices, we can speed the building of new housing while also reducing overall costs.

For more information about mass-customized efficiencies, check out our multi-family housing use cases.

Multi-family housing options developed by LOGIC Building Systems
Drafting Multi-family options from the LOGIC Lab

How Logic Can Help

Logic is eager to provide modular kitchens, bathrooms, and utility rooms for affordable housing projects.

Unlike other module providers (only constructing indoors, not manufacturing), we are developing production practices that will have the biggest benefit for cost-focused projects. 

Mass-customizing from our catalog of modular products, allows you to get the contemporary look and conveniences you are used to while also saving money.

Finally, our installer network will make Logic modules an even more affordable option. Your builder can rely on the timely delivery of modules while focusing on what they do best — administering the construction of the core and shell of their buildings. 

Our Installation Process

LOGIC is developing an easy to use app for ordering, tracking, and installing your modules — all in a fraction of the time it would take for tradespeople to construct your kitchens and bathrooms on site. Contact us for a preview of the app today.

Installer Match

Through Logic’s bespoke app, you will have the tools you need to create a detailed order and to track its progress. At the end of the ordering process, you can use the app to select the Logic Authorized Installer, who best suits the needs of your project.


Site visit

Your Logic Authorized Installer will meet with your builder at your building site to determine delivery routes, and analyze other installation logistics. At every step, the installer will prepare your building project to benefit from the best off-site practices.


Installation day

Logic Authorized Installers will lead the delivery and installation of the modules using our templated system. Then they will hook up all connections and validate the system for safety. Your LOGIC modules can be up and running that same day.