What if you could buy a kitchen or bathroom like an appliance?

Logic Building Systems makes it easy for you to have the complete kitchen, bathrooms, and utility rooms you need. With our inclusive off-site manufacturing process, you can specify the quantities and details for your modules, track their progress, acquire necessary documentation for contractors, and prepare for installation.

How to Use Our Modules

Logic modular kitchens, bathrooms, and utility rooms are for everyone. From large-scale developers building multi-family housing outside of major cities to folks looking to increase their property value by adding an Accessory Dwelling Unit, these modules are an easier, less expensive, and more sustainable solution than conventional construction.

Multi-family housing

Logic’s mass-customized kitchen, bathroom, and utility modules cut costs and streamline your building process.

Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU)

Most states allow you to add an additional unit to your property to increase value and housing availability in your community.

Affordable housing

High interest rates and low inventory mean home ownership is out of reach for many. Logic modules provide affordable options for your building project.

Office building conversion

Post-pandemic empty office spaces can be converted into housing fast with Logic’s off-site manufactured modules.