Let’s Build Better, Together

Systemic change is a collaborative effort. Do you support what Logic Building Systems is doing to evolve the building industry, decarbonize construction, and simultaneously focus on better housing solutions to solve systemic community needs? Partner with us for everyone’s benefit!

If you are an architect interested in how you can easily and seamlessly incorporate Logic’s modular kitchens, bathrooms, and utility rooms into any multi-family housing project, let’s talk.

If you are a real estate developer interested in finding out how Logic’s approach to multifamily building can drive down costs, speed up production, help simplify regulatory reporting, and more, contact us for more information.

If you are an investor interested in supporting the evolution of the building industry with an emphasis on disruptive innovation, sustainability, and new solutions to the affordable housing shortage, get in touch!

If you are a researcher or supporter interested in furthering the work of the Center for Offsite Construction, check out their white paper and their website to find out more.

“Innovation is hard. It takes both intelligence and perseverance. Without both, one ends up either frustrated or exhausted. The folks who founded Logic Building Systems have the right blend of smarts and resourcefulness to help innovate in the construction space. Our communities need so many more of these bold startups to build our way out of this affordable housing crisis.”

Jim Verzino

Visit Our Vermont Lab

Logic Building Systems

143 Main Street
Brattleboro, VT 05301


(802) 490-5642‬